Friday, March 24, 2017


Covers for hardback (l) and the paperback (r)
In 1991, I was directing a production of "Hansel and Gretel" for Berkeley Opera when I got the news that my agents were about to sell my first novel, "The Last Innocent Hour" to St. Martin's.  It was $500,000 for a two-book contract and was that ok with me?

The phone was just outside the rehearsal room and I remember I sat on the floor while I listened to the fantastic news.  It was fantastic - as in fantasy, as in un-real, a dream.  But it really happened and the book was published in hardback then about four years later in soft cover.  It was also published in  England and was translated into several languages.

I did some book fairs and a few interviews.  Did some readings - which I love doing - I am and always have been an actor!  The novel received decent reviews and sold well, although it never became a best-seller.  I heard that there were nibbles from Hollywood but nothing came of that.

In the late morning of October 20, I stood in my little office of the house in the Berkeley Hills and was glad the book was safe.  It was published and the firestorm that was heading for the house could not destroy it.  The fire and the subsequent general upheaval that resulted distracted me from that second book for a time.

But eventually, I found a place to live and wrote a book about Shakespeare's theatre; St. Martin's passed. So I wrote a book about the Bozeman Trail forts. Nobody wanted that one either.  I started a fourth book about Virginia City during the Bonanza but quit after a couple of chapters.  I had had a good run but I had to go to work.

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I just read, or rather listened to Frederick Forsyth's memoir, THE OUTSIDER.  The man has had a fascinating life. After a stint in t...